Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Baller in Chief

The Church of the Hardwood cannot stay on the sidelines--ok, the bench--any longer. Not that anyone cares, but, for the record, CotH endorses Barack Obama for Baller in Chief. (You're cool with that, right, Stat Boy?)

A rising tide lifts all jumpshots

So I guess the CofH tries to keep politics out of hoops (or maybe only officially), but after today's run, I couldn't help but notice an interesting correlation:

- Attendance at church of the hardwood: up. Slowly rising all semester, today we set a record (at least in my tenure) with 18 ballers. We had a game of 5s and a game of 4s at one point in time.

- Enthusiasm for the NBA season: up.

- Support for Obama: up.

We've documented Obama's love of hoops previously, but does the public's love of Obama carry over to the court? Does voter turnout = church of the hardwood turnout?