Saturday, April 12, 2008

YMCA Ball: Berkeley Edition

Vanilla Thunder is back here to provide stories and reflections about basketball in various locations across the country. This blog will be given over to a new series over examinations on how the game is played and what the game means, from Berkeley, California to Tulsa, Oklahoma. From Houston, Texas, to ... well, you never know. I'm without an home right now, traveling from place to place, staying with friends and family all over the country. The one constant: Basketball. Everyplace I go, I'm endeavoring to find a decent game of hoops.

If you're addicted to pick-up basketball (despite your creaky knees and expanding midsection), where do you start in an unfamiliar town? The YMCA, young man. And that's where we start this week. In Berkeley, at the downtown Y, hooping it up with whoever might be there.

I'll be posting my experiences and random thoughts about the game in the next few weeks. In about a month, I'll be rejoining the folks who started it all in Austin--the Church of the Hardwood.

So, keep checking in as we chronicle life through basketball in the coming weeks. In the meantime, I've made some changes to this site, including some of my favorite artifacts from Old School Hoops.

Peace out,
Vanilla T.

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