Sunday, November 2, 2008

A rising tide lifts all jumpshots

So I guess the CofH tries to keep politics out of hoops (or maybe only officially), but after today's run, I couldn't help but notice an interesting correlation:

- Attendance at church of the hardwood: up. Slowly rising all semester, today we set a record (at least in my tenure) with 18 ballers. We had a game of 5s and a game of 4s at one point in time.

- Enthusiasm for the NBA season: up.

- Support for Obama: up.

We've documented Obama's love of hoops previously, but does the public's love of Obama carry over to the court? Does voter turnout = church of the hardwood turnout?

1 comment:

Russell Cobb said...

That's great news! Naysayers might chalk up the higher attendance to daylight savings time, but who knows. It's interesting, up here in Canada, our hoops game has thinned out from 30-35 ballers to about 20-22 ballers as the fall as worn on.