Sunday, January 4, 2009

What Is a Moving Screen?

Can you be called for a moving screen if no contact is made? I was called for a moving screen today, but didn't touch the player I was screening.

Yes, I made a movement toward him like I was going to block him, but I never touched him. Personally, I thought the call was BS and spent the rest of the game protesting this crappy call. But I'm not totally sure...


Anonymous said...

A "moving screen" is an informal term that is typically used to indicate a blocking foul by a screening player.

In most cases, either the screening player never established a stationary position before contacting the player being screened, or after establishing a stationary position, the screener moved their body, arm, or leg laterally into the path of the player being screened.

There is no "moving screen foul" in any rulebook. No competent referee ever blew a whistle and called a moving screen foul. (They'd have a hard time living it down.) Only sports announcers and pickup game artists use the term.

Anonymous said...

To answer your specific question, if there is no contact between two players, there cannot be any foul. All fouls require contact.

Anonymous said...

I have a question for moving screen.
Let's say Mr. X is guarded by Mr. Y.
Mr. X has the ball on his hand, and does not move at all. Under this situation, can I go moving around and positioning myself left and right to block Mr. Y? Note, Mr. X has not moved at all during this period. Is this a moving screen foul?

Anonymous said...

Watch Duke's Zoubek set a screen, that is almost the definition of a moving screen.